Valley Steel Construction is sensitive to the privacy of users of this Website. In general, you can visit this site without revealing who you are or disclosing any information about yourself. If you provide us with information, Valley Steel Construction may store and disclose this information only as allowed or required by applicable law, including making disclosures which are advisable or necessary to (i) preserve or protect the rights, safety or property of Valley Steel Construction or others, and (b) comply and conform to legal or regulatory requirements. Valley Steel Construction will not trade, sell, or rent your personal information but may collect and/or provide aggregate statistics about its Website and users to other parties. Valley Steel Construction does not use cookies, small files that are sent to your browser and stored on your hard drive to record how and when you use a site. This site, however, contains links to other Websites, and Valley Steel Construction does not control the privacy policies of those sites. See Linked Third Party Sites. This privacy statement applies only to information collected and maintained by Valley Steel Construction.